Organisational information

Growing Works is a registered charity, number 1160003 .  We generate income through a variety of sources; funding bodies and donation e.g. individuals and corporate business sponsorship; trading activity e.g. training workshops and consultation.

Growing Works is a registered  company in England and Wales, company number 07832832. Any profits go straight back into the business towards fulfilling the aims of the organisation e.g. volunteer and work placement expenses, equipment for group activities and some salaries.

Registered address: C/O The Mistel, Northgate, Honley, Holmfirth, HD9 6QL

Growing Works is a membership organisation where full members support the work of the charity and can attend Annual General Meetings, with a right to vote.   Affiliate members offer valuable support to the charity but do not vote.

Membership application form – click here

Articles of Association – click here

As an organisation people and place are important to us.  The core of our work aims to support people and use outdoor space to help improve both physical and mental health and wellbeing.  We recognise in using outdoor therapy that the health of our environment is also vitally important and are committed to reducing any negative impacts of our operations and promoting environmental awareness in the community.

We endeavour to:

  • Exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Evaluate environmental performance at the end of the calendar year and propose improvements.
  • Continually assess and reduce environmental impacts.
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
  • Promote a culture of environmental awareness and respect.

Policies and procedures are available to view on request, please contact us for further information

Please click this link for the Safeguarding Policy

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